Sapa, Vietnam

Sapa, Vietnam


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Just dropping in to share a few images from my neighborhood farmer's market. I can't believe my good fortune in having moved to Logan Square, whose summertime loveliness almost rivals Southeast Portland's. Right now the Sunday farmer's market is bursting with peonies, Michigan strawberries, and radishes. When I go running through the park in the evenings, it seems as though the whole neighborhood is outside soaking in the summer: quasi-gypsies selling their clothing from blankets, Puerto Rican grandpas chatting on park benches, and slackliners practicing their tightrope act between the trees. Best of all are the lightning bugs, which I'm just now seeing for the first time. Who would have thought you could go 29 years without encountering a lightning bug, only to discover them in the middle of Chicago?

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